Patrol Boat River - Boat 31

The 1/6th Model (well sort of) Used in the Haunted Patrol Boat Comic

A 1/6th Model? Well, Hardly. At best my little PBR is 1/8th scale. Actual PBRs were 30 feet in length and my 'model' scales out at about 18 to 20 feet. It would need to be about a foot longer and 5 inches wider to come close to the actual scale measurements. Even so, it is a pretty big boat.

Even Underscaled, it's pretty big...

Model Railroaders would call it 'Selective Compression' and with a really large vehicle (or in this case, vessel) it's not such a bad idea if space is a problem. I try to use camera angles to trick the eye into believing that the boat is larger than it actually is.


Archive Number #1665

Basically what I kept was the hull...

...Oh, and that little radar pod thing at the top of the mast. The PBR started life as a kit that was available through James DeSimone. It went through a lot of changes to get like this though. A real fixer upper. I used styrene, wood and brass to complete the model. It weighs about 25 pounds but still sits high in real water. I don't use real water for my shoots though. I have enough trouble focusing on something that is motionless.

Click on the picture at left for a 'behind the scenes' look

The behind the scenes look will give you an idea of what went into the model as well as the techniques I use to create my stories.


The real boat crews spent a lot of time on these things...

...I wanted my PBR to have a used, lived in look about it. I accomplished that by filling it with lots of stuff that a crew might have. Stuff like oil drums, gas cans, c ration cases, helmets, weapons, ammo pouches, canteens, cigarette packages and cartons, magazines, letters, maps, c rations, tin cans, coke cans, wine bottles and even chewing gum wrappers. I think I even have Savage's seabag on there somewhere.

The more stuff the better, but it has to be functional too. This is my stage for photography and it has to be flexible. Certain items are removable so that the set can be changed as required.